Carved Lotus Candle holder mold
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Candle Holder Mold

Carved lotus molds for creating candle holders in the shape of an open lotus flower. It features a hole in the center for placing a tea light candle or filling with wax and inserting a wick. You can craft them by hand using materials from Gran Velada! Everything you need can be found in our online store. In addition to this model, you'll find many other molds here to create your own DIY candle holders.

These molds are made of silicone and are characterized by being resistant, durable, and flexible. Additionally, they are non-stick, making them easy to demold without the need for any type of release agent. Working with them is comfortable and straightforward! Once you're done using them, simply clean them with cold water and dry them thoroughly to prevent moisture. Store them in a place away from direct light, and they will remain in good condition.

Making Candle Holders at Home

Do you want to make candle holders at home? Take note of the materials you need:

  • Water-based resin
  • Cement for figurines
  • Water
  • Pigments for cement

The main raw materials for making candle holders at home are water-based resin or cement. The former is a material similar to plaster that results in smooth, white figures. Alternatively, you can opt for special cement for figurines, available in various colors at Gran Velada. This will achieve a more rustic finish. It all depends on what you're looking for! Water is essential for making the mixture, and you can add pigments if you want the final figure to have a touch of color. Customize it to your liking!

Remember that you can purchase all these materials online at Gran Velada, processing your order from home in a convenient, fast, and secure manner.

How to Make Candle Holders

Next, we'll explain step by step how to make candle holders with water-based resin. If you want to make them with cement, the process is practically the same.

  • Mix the resin and water until you achieve a homogeneous and lump-free mixture. Follow the proportions indicated by the manufacturer.
  • If you want the figures to have a touch of color, add a pinch of pigment to color the mixture and mix well. Alternatively, you can leave them white and skip this step.
  • Fill the mold and gently tap it on the counter to ensure the mixture settles well and reaches all the nooks.
  • Allow it to dry thoroughly for a few hours and carefully demold. It's important that it's completely dry, or the figure might break.

You can decorate the finished figure with glitter or a mixture of matte resin + micas. This way, you'll achieve custom colors to give the perfect finish to your creations.

Where to Buy Candle Mold?

At Gran Velada, you can buy candle molds. We offer an extensive catalog of models for you to choose your favorite. Simply place your order online, and we'll send it to your doorstep.

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