Halloween ghost mold figure to hang
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Halloween Ghost Mold

Making Halloween crafts with this ghost mold is very easy. It is a silicone mold known for its flexibility and non-stick properties, making demolding a breeze. It is shaped like a ghost and has a small hole at the top so that the figure can be hung.

This mold allows you to work with various materials such as water-based resin, plaster, cement, and more. Our recommendation is to opt for water-based resin because it is lightweight and yields excellent results. With this mold and Gran Velada's water-based resin, you will achieve perfect results.

Halloween Molds

We offer different models of Halloween molds. You will find them in the shape of pumpkins, skulls, bats, and more. There is a wide variety available so you can create completely personalized homemade decorations.

All the molds stand out for their quality and durability. In fact, they can be used for multiple purposes. When you finish using them, simply clean and dry them thoroughly. Store them in a dry place, and your Halloween molds will be perfect to use whenever you need them.

How to Make Halloween Figures

Below, we will show you step by step how to make Halloween figures with this mold. It is a very simple craft, perfect for doing with the little ones in the house.

Weigh 100g of water-based resin and add 28g of water. Mix well until the mixture is homogeneous. If you want your figures to have a touch of color, you can add a pinch of powdered cement pigment along with the resin.

Fill the mold and let it dry well before demolding.

Insert a polished hemp cord into the hole to be able to hang the figures.

You can also make personalized Halloween figures. How? Once you have them ready, you can write on them the names of family members, words related to this celebration, decorate them with glitter, or even scent them to make your home smell wonderful. Just spray them with a mixture of 96% alcohol (70%) and your favorite aromatic essence (30%).

These figures are ideal, for example, for sealing or decorating trick-or-treat bags. You can make them personalized for friends and neighbors, and they will surely cherish an incredible memory of this idea. You can also create a mobile or garlands to decorate the house. If you're hosting an adult gathering, these figures are great for decorating napkins or creating a dinner setting. Get this mold and get to work!

Where to Buy Halloween Figure Molds?

Visit www.granvelada.com to buy Halloween figure molds. In our online store, you will also find the rest of the materials you need to make your figures. Decorate your home with homemade, artisanal crafts!

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